Since AMERICAN’s founding, we have made decisions for tomorrow based on how they will affect our customers of all sizes. This is a principal that we have embraced and continually use to guide our organization into the future. You will not find another organization that is as focused on customer service as AMERICAN, it is our guiding principal and a trusted name.
AMERICAN utilizes the latest technology to increase the accuracy and effectiveness of service and technical support. Service calls are placed to our live dispatch, service calls are then immediately sent via smart phone to a technician nearest to the client, and supplies and parts inventory are all updated in real time. Our system keeps an accurate account of the service call history and response times.
Our We C.A.R.E. Program ensures the reliability of the equipment and our level of service & technical support to our customers. We understand inoperable hardware can cripple your business. AMERICAN will reduce your downtime by keeping an inventory of genuine parts and supplies on hand with our technicians and in our service department.
Service Guarantees
1 hour call back from the initial service call (if we do not pick up)
2-6 hours on-site service (standard 4-hour response time on-site)
Large inventory stock of original parts and supplies with technicians
Repair or Replacement Guarantee (We C.A.R.E. Program)
Factory Certified and Trained Service Technicians and IT professionals